My Newest Books

Sod Buster

Just 15 years-old, Levi Meadows has never had an easy life. Busting sod to farm the harsh prairie landscape is hard work—day in, and day out. When an Indian raid destroys their homestead and robs him of his father, Levi must gather his mother and siblings and flee with them to the nearest military fort and safety.

Root Hog or Die

When a frustrated Federal marshal can’t capture two escaped murders, he calls in his ace in the hole, Nate Grisham. He needs Nate’s man-hunting skills to find two men who escaped from a prison wagon on the way to their execution, killing their guards in the process.

Pony Express Rider

Young Thad Collins, lost his parents in cabin fire one winter back. Now the orphan is barely able to survive, even after finding a collection of odd jobs in town. Cleaning up the jail and the saloon will only get him so far and there is little opportunity for meaningful work in his town. Thad could never imagine that an almost overlooked hand bill would change his whole life. The newly established Pony Express needed riders.

An Eye for an Eye

The long awaited Book 5 in the Plains series.
After barely surviving a harrowing flash flood, Nate and Cotton have lost not only their season’s haul of beaver pelts but their friend and fellow trapper, Cornbread. Demoralized and in need of a safe place to recover, they head to the familiar comforts of Butterfield’s Trading Post. There Nate and Cotton will mourn their friend, and plan their next move.

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